
Massachusetts Man Charged With OUI 2nd, Leaving The Scene

Law enforcement authorities allege that David Dibenedetto of Carver, Massachusetts was involved in a car crash in Hanson yesterday. Apparently the police received a call about the crash and were able to locate Dibenedetto a short distance away in the town of Pembroke. Dibenedetto was arrested and charged with OUI, Second Offense, Leaving the Scene of an Accident, driving with a revoked license and negligent operation of a motor vehicle. He is being held at the Plymouth County Jail on a two thousand dollar cash bail.

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Second Offense DUI For Southeastern Massachusetts Man Involved In An Accident

A two thousand dollar cash bail is considered high for a second offense OUI in general. However, usually when an accident occurs bail will increase. If you leave the scene after an accident and are charged with DUI in Massachusetts then you can bet the bail will be even higher. Given the circumstances of this case this bail is quite reasonable. For the second offense Dibenedetto is looking at a thirty day minimum mandatory jail sentence. If he is convicted of the leaving the scene as well as the OUI it would not surprise me to see some additional time added to the sentence. Here are some factors that will no doubt come into play when deciding whether or not to take this case to trial. Was there a breathalyzer test taken and what was the result? Did Dibenedetto take any field sobriety tests? What did the civilian witnesses see? How did the accident occur?

The Law Offices of Stephen Neyman has been defending OUI cases in Massachusetts for over twenty years. If you have been charged with this crime, any Motor Vehicle Crime or any crime at all call us at 617-263-6800 or contact us online.

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